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Toto Futures Presents


9th-12th May 2024

A four day retreat, journeying into the mystical masculine and feminine realms to stoke the fires of Inner Union

We invite you to one of the most powerful places in Albion

To retreat and leave behind the 'ordinary' world to embody the myths, connect to the land & reweave the mystical realm back to anchor as THE reality

So that we can restore the land and its people back to the Heart of the Goddess


Brothers and Sisters

Knights and Wizards of the Rose

Priestesses of Avalon, of the Magdalene


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We are gathering in Tintagel, Cornwall, on the Atlantic (or should we say Atlantis) coast, for a retreat that weaves together myth, astrology, initiation, deep embodiment, ceremony and ritual on the land, guiding you toward Gnosis - personal revelation with the Divine.


Initiation and Ritual

Sacred Site Activations

Group Energy Healing

A fusion of Galactic Mayan

Celtic Wheels of Astrological Time


Cacao, Rose, Mugwort Ceremonies


Alchemical & Embodiment Processes


Myths of the Grail


Deep Sharing and Connecting


We will call upon your Inner Masculine and Feminine to RISE, creating the Grail cup from where your deepest essence is poured into this reality.


On the final day of our quest, we will carry the frequencies we have cultivated from Tintagel to Glastonbury, for ceremonies at the Magdalene Church and the Tor.

Secure your place with a £111 deposit now



Our space is phenomenal, overlooking the ocean in Tintagel with easy access to the beach.


Each of the 5 beautiful bedrooms can be made up as a twin room or double.


We welcome couples to join this retreat, to deepen their external as well as internal union. Please let us know when booking if you’d like us to make one of the rooms a double. If you’re coming for your own personal pilgrimage, you’ll be sharing with someone of the same gender SPECIALLY selected due to a vibe match astrologically ;)


The land upon which we are gathering is deeply anchored in myth and the magical lineage of this island.


Tintagel is the home of Merlin - the Wizard of Albion. Arguably the most famous Druid of all time. He who used his mystical power in devotion to Albion (the true name of the UK), supporting King Arthur to rise and unite the people.

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(subject to intuitive tweaks)


Thursday 9th May – Red Rhythmic Dragon

Evening arrivals and landing

Opening Circle

Beach Fire & Land Activation


Friday 10th May – White Resonant Wind


Mugwort, Cacao Spell Ceremony

Merlin’s Cave Activation

Potion Making

Wizard Initiation

Evening sharing circle


Saturday 11th May – Blue Galactic Night


Rose, Cacao and Movement Ceremony

Lemurian Ocean Activation

Prayers and Embodiment

Priestess Initiation

Evening sharing circle


Sunday 12th May – Yellow Solar Seed


Following breakfast, arrive in Glastonbury for 12pm

Activation at the Mary Magdalene Chapel (The Womb)

Pilgrimage and Initiation on The Tor (The Sword)

Grail Ceremony at the White Spring



3x nights accommodation in Tintagel


All ceremonies and activations


Cacao, Rose & Mugwort Elixirs


Entrance fees to sacred sites


Delicious vegan food cooked on site by the wonderful BEAT & THE PULSE:

Evening meal Thursday, 3x meals Friday & Saturday, Breakfast & Lunch on Sunday


We will car share from Tintagel to Glastonbury on Sunday

Secure your place with a deposit of £111 now


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In 2019, we entered a 13 year cycle collectively in the Galactic Mayan Calendar. 13 years of WHITE WIZARD. Between July 2023 and July 2024, this energy is amplified, as the archetype governs this particular Galactic year too.


The energy of the Wizard is extremely prevalent for us all right now. The pain body of the world is purging and we are being invited to alchemise it all, freeing humanity through freeing our internal reality from the chains of trauma.


This is what Inner Union is all about. The uniting of opposites. Whether we call it masculine and feminine, body and mind, soul and human… It’s irrelevant really.


But the merging of opposites to create a third entity is most directly reflected in creation.


Male Energy + Female Energy = New Life


When this process unfolds within, we access the Holy Grail of enlightened consciousness – i.e. ability to consciously create reality as opposed to accidentally creating from shadow/wounding/inherited belief systems.


We will be working with the stories, myths and archetypes of Union to support our quest.


Jesus was initiated by the Womb codes of the Magdalene

The Priestesses of Avalon were initiated by the Sword code of the Merlin

The Womb and Sword create the Grail


Inner Union is also symbolised by the Ankh.


Circulating the energetics within and allowing them to ‘loop’ into creation as opposed to dissipate.


Entering the world from the HEART as opposed to the crown or the sex.


Glastonbury is allegedly the Heart Chakra of the Planet, the perfect location to complete our journey.


Amongst many other pieces, these are the codes we will be sharing with you through initiation, ceremony and ritual.

Do you feel the call?

We want to keep the retreat as accessible as possible & so have kept the energy exchange low with the option to pay in instalments.

Full Price £555

Save £111


Affordable Payments

Pay in 6x monthly instalments of £111

We have just 10 spaces for this journey, put down a non-refundable deposit of £111 now to secure your place


Once your deposit is paid we will email you with options to pay in full or in instalments as suits you. We are also very happy to jump on a call to discuss any queries.


Your mind will be stimulated with sacred stories, your belly filled with delicious food, your heart stirred with the nectar of the Goddess and your soul will be closer than ever as you drink from the cup of remembrance


If you are ready to bring your soul essence into full embodiment

If you are ready to deepen your connection to this land and it's indigenous wisdom

If you are longing for Temple and multi-dimensional holding

If you are longing to rebirth yourself after all of the trials and tribulations of this lifetime

If you are ready to reclaim your sovereign power and access Grail Consciousness

If your soul tickles in remembrance with these words

Say yes!



About Jyoti

Jyoti has followed a multifaceted anarchistic spiritual path, diving into initiations across the planet with powerful Priestesses that follow the Red Thread. In 2014, she was initiated into the Galactic Mayan Calendar and began teaching others about natural time and the cosmic timecode. She creates deep, potent temple space, playfully sharing high vibrational galactic energy technologies and insights & holding space for deep transformation. Jyoti has guided many people to reconnect with their essence through shadow integration and conscious evolution, working with her Spirit Team as a multidimensional coach, energy healer and mystery school teacher. In 2018 she returned to Albion (UK) and for the first time was guided to stay and build a life here, reconnecting to the wisdom of the lands, working with the star portals and stone circles scattered across the island.

About Taco

Taco is a natural leader, space holder and community gatherer, dedicated to raising the vibration of humanity at this pivotal time in our collective evolution. He has been facilitating and participating in men’s work since 2016, running circles and retreats alongside working with individuals 1-2-1. For almost a decade Taco has been working closely with the Wheel of the Year, bringing people together to celebrate the changing of the seasons and connect more deeply with the wisdom of Albion (the UK). Since 2020 Taco has been taking groups on online vision quests,  weaving the Wheel of the Year with channelled visualisations and ceremonies, which he also incorporates into his coaching work. 


“Taco is a true wizard in creating containers of sanctuary that allow expression, emotion, creativity and compassion to flow freely and he does so with confidence, yet with distinct humbleness, humour and ease, always tuning into going with the flow and always finding opportunity to encourage others to step up and share their magic.”


About TOTO

Around 6 years ago, Taco and Jyoti connected through the Galactic Mayan Calendar and became good friends, realising they shared a soul mission with young people. In 2023 the pair came into Divine Union and TOTO was born. TOTO is the guiding energy and container created through their union. 


They began to overlay the time maps they had both spent years attuning to, the Galactic Mayan Calendar and the Celtic Wheel of the Year, uniting the cosmic and the earthly rhythms of natural time. Soon after, The Cosmic Quest was born and a group of souls began a year-long attunement and embodiment journey using the natural time map TOTO brought forth. 


As Taco and Jyoti continued to journey in conscious relationship, they received a transmission in shared meditation about the merkaba as a vehicle to move through timelines, created through uniting the inner masculine and feminine aspects. As a man and a woman in external union, with a deep connection to their own inner masculine and feminine, they realised the potency they could offer through weaving their medicine to guide individual beings through a powerful process of reclamation and awakening, activating inner union.


In combination, Taco and Jyoti drop into an intuitive flow, creating deep containers of mystical initiation anchored in Love. They are both honoured and excited to be facilitating this journey.

Now is the time to sing your sacred song into the conscious creation of a New Earth


This retreat will support you to come into deeper expression of who you are & who we become, together.


We hope you join us


With love,







The Holy Grail is Divine Union

Uniting Masculine & Feminine Expressions

Doing & Being

Structure & Flowing

Response-ability & Surrender

Creation & Rest


Over 7 sessions, you will be guided safely, tentatively and lovingly to clear old distortions and uncover your essence, by a man and woman who have deeply journeyed into their hearts and get what it is to be trialled by the human experience. Both Taco and Jyoti have transformed themselves, their relationships and their planetary service through developing a loving relationship with the masculine and feminine within. It is their gift to guide you through the terrain they have both journeyed individually, supporting you to unite your inner masculine and feminine energies and find the Holy Grail within.

Through shadow work, visualisation, ceremony and astrological insight, you will be guided through the chambers of your inner world, spending a fortnight exploring the core essence and core wound of both your inner masculine and feminine, allowing the grief and pain of parental relationships to move so that you can discover a deeper relationship with Self. 


Once the space has been created our inner masculine warrior can rise to power, devoted in service to the mystical integrated feminine. This union allows the divine child of our soul to birth through the human experience, permitting us to embody our greatest expression. 


Being held, witnessed and unconditionally accepted by both a man and woman in a container of transformation, provides so many layers of healing. Each weekly session is held by Taco or Jyoti and thus your essence is supported by father and mother energies simultaneously, as you traverse inner landscapes to heal painful histories and bring your inner King and Queen into their rightful place at the centre of your internal world.


This offering is multifaceted, personally crafted and brings in threads from numerous traditions, following natural time and leaning into the mythical realm that our ancestors operated through. 


Here’s how the journey breaks down:


> Life Mapping session with Taco, creating the container, reviewing where you are at and where you are going in terms of personal evolution in all areas of your life


> Astrological Reading with Jyoti to understand the essence of your soul and human operating system for this lifetime through the Galactic Mayan Calendar & Human Design Analysis


> 2x Inner Quest Ceremonies with Taco, channelled visualisation and shamanic journeys into the mythical realm


> 2x Shadow Work Coaching Sessions with Jyoti supporting you to process trauma and rewire belief systems using modalities such as EFT and matrix re-imprinting


> Integration & Inner Marriage Ceremony with Jyoti and Taco to unite your inner masculine and feminine and activate the Holy Grail within


The energy exchange for this offering is £888. Payment plans are available.

Say YES and book in your free alchemy call HERE

 © Copyright Jyoti Imix 2023. All Rights Reserved.

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